Janka, Customer PR & Business Specialist
What do you do at Webnode?
My role is quite hard to definite because I cover three different areas. My main goal is the development of Czech and Slovak market with the Customer & Business Team. I collect initiatives from customer care and come up with ideas how to improve our customers' experience with our product. I also work on marketing tasks and cooperate with PR agencies for my markets. It may seem a bit unusual mix of activities, but each of them overlaps into the other and they complement each other well. It is definitely not a stereotypical job, which I appreciate a lot.
What were your interviews and onboarding like?
I started as a customer care agent for Czech and Slovak market. My interview had three rounds, first with an HR representative, then my team leader and finally the Chief Customer Officer. I was very pleasantly surprised by the friendly, informal and relaxed approach. I also liked the offices. The fact that I lived at a walking distance from the office was just the cherry on top.

My typical day
I walk my dog Bruno
I have a breakfast
Important meetings and calls
I am having a lunch
Creative tasks that require concentration
Translating our help articles to Slovak
After work
Evening walk with my dog
Online courses and education
Good tea and/or a book
After I was hired, I had the regular training where each newcomer is shown and explained how our product works. During and after the training, you can ask for advice from the more experienced colleagues.
After some time, I decided to try out a new marketing position and the position for developing the Czech and Slovak market. Both were new for me, and it was a step out of my comfort zone. I am very grateful for it because it helps me grow and move forward. I remember that my team leader supported me in my decision, and it was him who told me to give it a try. I am grateful to him as well. I am lucky to work in Webnode with such amazing people that I can learn from and that trust me to try my own ideas. Whenever I need, I can always ask for help. And whenever I think it cannot be better, it always improves.
Which projects did you enjoy working on lately?
I like challenges and therefore I enjoyed choosing our new PR agency for the Slovak market. Even though, it wasn't easy, I enjoyed the training for the Customer and Business team. And I am very happy to be able to reach my goals. Lately, I have been translating our help articles to Slovak.

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