Honza, Backend Team Leader
What do you do at Webnode?
As the leader of our backend, I organize and plan work for our team. From time to time, I test and do a code review for other members. I take part in designing the system architecture and deciding which technologies to use. In smaller projects, that won't take too much time, I still like to code.
What were your interviews and onboarding like?
It has been several years since my interview, so I don't remember all the details. I liked the swift process. I met HR and my future leader in one day. On the other hand, I didn't get as much information about the company as our current newcomers.

My typical day
- I drive my kids to school and kindergarten
- I plan sprints or do a code-review
- Breakfast, I don't mind having it in front of my computer
- Lunch in Brno starts at 11
- Time for bigger tasks and more planning
- Coding if there is time
- Spending time with family
- Working in the garden
- Going for a beer
We improved the hiring and onboarding process quite a bit over time. Current newcomers get more information about the company, the open positions, and a helping hand when onboarding.
What project have you enjoyed at work currently?
The biggest challenge and fun for me now is dealing with demanding traffic on our database systems or designing more complex distributed systems.

Do you want to work at Webnode?
Check out our open positions. We might be looking for you.