Danča, HR Specialist
What do you do?
Not an easy question to start with. It is quite difficult to pinpoint one single activity that I do. We have divided some tasks within our HR team, but most accurately we do what needs to be done. My area is the administration part, completing and processing different documents. I am also in charge of regular medical check-ups, so I remind people that they need to go (not so fun part 😊).
Another part is communication with our contractors.
I take care of our agenda and communication with the government, like the employment office, social security and health insurance companies. I would say that we are on the first name basis with most of these representatives. 😊 You might also meet me at an interview. As I say, our scope is very wide, and one won't find time to get bored here.
I really enjoy the mix of administrative tasks and the human interaction. I do not do paperwork only or run from one interview to another. This balance is important for me.
How was your first interview and onboarding?
My interview was very informal and relaxed - no stuffy meeting rooms and no suits. We just sat down with the HR girls in our office, had a cup of coffee and talked for about two hours. I was pleasantly surprised on how many things we shared similar opinions and how much we had in common.

My typical day
Morning shower, walking my dog and traffic jam on D1 is a combination that always wakes me up
I have breakfast in the office and have my first cup of coffee there
I deal with tasks that require a lot of concentration
I check my watch before eleven to see if lunch is near
After lunch, I usually deal with hiring and interviews
Team meeting while walking
After work
I walk my dog again
Swimming, squash, walking - any type of movement
I fall asleep after about 10 lines from a book
After getting hired, I was learning a lot of stuff as I went. A lot was very similar to my previous job, but I had to figure the system out and learn who is responsible for what.
It took me a while to get over the notion that we must have hard and fast rules and strict guidelines to make things work. That is how it worked in my previous job. I found out that even without directives and commands people can find a solution that works for both parties, and that management and HR are not superior, but that it is about trust. We can look forward to work and work as partners. That is great.
Do you have any project that you enjoyed lately, or you are looking for?
There are a couple of projects I would like to mention. One of them is a digitalization project. That is going to be a challenge at first, but it will speed everything up in the long run. I have a lot to do this year for sure. The other project that was also a challenge, was organizing our Christmas party in a running train in May. But we can talk about it some more during your interview. 😊

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